Support the Rule of Law and that we do not have a King. Fight for our Democracy and resist changes to the US Constitution. No one [ read more...]
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Support the Rule of Law and that we do not have a King. Fight for our Democracy and resist changes to the US Constitution. No one [ read more...]
I will continue to resist the many unconstitutional orders and attempts to ignore the rule of law. I will fight back. I will let my voice [ read more...]
President Biden has announced that the Equal Rights Amendment.Accordingly, our Constitution now demands that “equality of rights under the law cannot be denied or abridged by [ read more...]
Have accepted that Ariel is gone. Hoping that she went to cat heaven to finally have some rest. It’s been days now that she has not [ read more...]
It is not right that just a few billionaires and uber-wealthy people control things. “This issue of oligarchy is the most important issue facing our country [ read more...]